
With this Canon camera you don’t have to take pictures anymore


Put it down and the Canon camera takes the most fun photos through smart technology!

Canon has presented the PowerShot PX to the general public. It is a stationary camera that uses facial recognition and automatic subject search to automatically capture 11.7 megapixel images or 1080p60 video. It is based on the PowerShot Pick, an experimental crowdfunded camera released only in Japan.

Canon camera

The idea is that you can place it in a strategic place, for example on a table during a dinner. Or on the terrace during a drink. The camera can then scan the scene, find people’s faces and automatically determine the best moment to take a photo. “The best shots aren’t always the smile posed… the PowerShot PX captures a huge range of looks and valuable reactions that you might not capture,” Canon writes.

It can intelligently frame subjects to capture natural expressions and responses, according to the company. You can also prioritize specific faces, such as when it’s someone’s birthday. In theory, you could then enjoy a meeting without breaking down and taking pictures, knowing it will happen automatically.


After taking the photos, you can use the PowerShot PX’s iOS or Android apps to get recommendations on the best photos to keep. These are then stored on a memory card, where they can be uploaded to a computer. It supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for smartphone connections, so you can control images without checking the device.

The PowerShot PX is coming to Europe in November 2021. The price is 500 euros.

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