With these iPhone tips you are protected against the heat
Many people are happy with the high temperatures at the moment. There is of course much to enjoy, but it will not surprise anyone that there are also dangers. Your iPhone is of course your best friend and with our tips you will stay safe in the heat!
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Your iPhone helps you against the heat
Sunstroke, sunstroke, heat stroke, heat stroke… there are all kinds of risks associated with hot weather and heat. Well, you have to make it very colorful for these examples, but things like sun allergy and sunburn quickly come into play. Your iPhone can help you stay well protected in the heat. We’ve listed the best tips for you!
1. Keep an eye on the UV index
One of the first things to do is to check the UV index. The UV index or sun power is a measure of the amount of ultraviolet radiation in the sunlight that reaches the earth. The higher the UV index, the more harmful the sun is to your skin.
In the Weather app on your iPhone, the UV index is clearly displayed. In addition, the app also indicates the best times between which you can use sunscreen. For most people, those times are fine. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to take them a little wider.
2. Check the air quality
Physical exertion in hot weather entails the necessary risks anyway. If the air quality is also poor (which often occurs in hot weather), it will get even worse. Air pollution increases the risk of respiratory diseases and can cause a lot of health damage. If the pollution is so bad that visibility is obstructed, we speak of smog.

Your iPhone will help you in the heat, because you can also easily check the air quality in the Weather app. And here too, the app immediately indicates what the current value means exactly. For example, with an air quality index of 5, it is not necessary to adjust your normal activities, unless you are sensitive to air pollution.
3. Take the humidity into account
In the Netherlands, warm weather is often accompanied by high humidity. That is a combination that places high demands on your body. Healthy people also run a real risk of heat stress at a temperature of 35 °C or higher and a humidity of more than 50 percent.

Therefore, do not only check the temperature in the Weather app, but also the humidity. Pay particular attention to the values that apply when the temperature is highest. High humidity in the early morning is of course no problem.
4. Check the amount of pollen in the air
On sunny, warm, windy days, the chance of pollen in the air is greatest. You may not be bothered by it, but about 15 to 20 percent of all people in the Netherlands have an allergic reaction to it. If you belong to the latter group, it is a good idea to keep an eye on this during hot days.

Your iPhone can also help you with this during the heat, but you won’t find this information in the Weather app. There are all kinds of apps that help you with this, such as A.Vogel Hay fever weather report. You can see at a glance what the current situation is with the amount of pollen in the air and what the expectations are for the coming days.

A.Vogel Hay fever weather report
A.Vogel Netherlands
5. Drink enough water!
This is of course obvious with hot weather. Yet for some people it is not a superfluous luxury to be reminded of this. Especially if you are a bit older, it can happen that you do not automatically get a thirst stimulus often enough.

Once again your iPhone offers a solution in this heat! Just install the Water Reminder app – Drink water to remind yourself it’s time to hydrate. Based on your physique and activity, the app indicates how much water you should drink per day. Increase that amount a bit when it’s really hot. The app then reminds you to drink water throughout the day.

Water Reminder – Drink water
Help your iPhone in the heat
If you use your iPhone to protect yourself against the heat, it is of course important that your iPhone is also well protected. You can read how to do that in the article Watch out for the hot weather: the sun is dangerous for your iPhone.
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