
Where do you listen to your favorite podcasts?

Podcasts can really be about anything. From classic talk shows to news shows and podcasts that discuss the latest movies and series. The fact is that it is becoming an increasingly popular format. We are curious which app you use to listen to your podcasts? Cast your vote in our AW Poll.

Podcast Apps

Podcasts are becoming increasingly important. More and more users like to listen to an episode in the car, during a rhythm with public transport or just before going to sleep. There is an interesting podcast for everyone, and the range of Dutch-language productions has also grown strongly.

This week it became known that YouTube will also receive functions that make the platform better suited for listening to podcasts. You will often find your podcast episodes on YouTube, but a variant with video recording. However, Google remains on the brakes for the time being when it comes to podcast functions in YouTube, because of course it still has its Google Podcasts app.

AW Poll

In this AW Poll, we’d like to explore which podcasting apps are most popular with our readers. Vote for the app you use most when you listen to podcasts. Cast your vote in the poll below. Is your favorite app not in the list? Make your voice heard in the comments.

Androidworld lets you follow the tech news every day in just five minutes with the Tech in Five podcast. Listen to a new episode every day through your favorite podcast app.

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