What to look out for with FFP2 masks: ZDF provides clear answers
The best self-protection in the corona pandemic is an FFP2 mask. ZDF reveals what to look out for when buying.
ZDF investigates FFP2 masks
Bad mouth and nose coverage is also better than none. That alone should of course not be a reason to forego the best possible protection. Here, many now rely on the FFP2 masks instead of disposable masks or a self-made covering made of fabric. But there are also big differences in the FFP2 masks, as ZDF reminds us all. Some do not even offer the promised protection, as a study by the television broadcaster in cooperation with the manufacturer Sanitas has now confirmed.
According to the test, it is often enough to take a closer look at the FFP2 mask. If several were bought at the same time, then you should cut one open and hold the middle layer in the light. If light shines through, it is of inferior quality and the designation FFP2 is incorrect.
Customers should also look for the CE mark before purchasing. The German testing company Dekra issues, among other things, the CE 0158 mark for tested masks that meet the FFP2 standard. One problem here is that at the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020, masks that had not been adequately tested in advance were also allowed to go on the market. Dekra speaks of around 4 billion masks for Germany alone. Even after that there was often only a quick test, which is why there are now some defective masks in circulation.
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Half of the FFP2 masks fail
At the Test of the ZDF 24 alleged FFP2 masks were examined in detail, 12 of which failed the first examination. Even every second mask bought in pharmacies let aerosols through, some even more than 50 percent. Customers should always pay attention to a complete CE marking, so the conclusion. Even with an FFP2 mask you should keep your distance to be really sure.