what is your average screen time per day?
This morning we wrote about screen time and the useful information you can get from this information on your phone. Think about how many hours and minutes you spent looking at your screen today, which apps you used and for how long and much more. Now we are curious how your screen time is doing. Do you suffer from FOMO or is it not that bad? Vote now in the new AW Poll!
screen time
Checking Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, your apps, online shopping, mobile gaming, it all contributes to your screen time. The more you use your phone, the higher your screen time (and therefore less time with your family and friends). Through screen time apps, you can find out how long you’ve been staring at your phone screen. In this article we explain everything about it.
Once you know where on your phone you can find the screen time and its widget, you will see some very interesting information. Think of:
- How many hours and minutes you have looked at your screen today and whether that is more or less than the day before
- Which apps you used and for how long
- How many notifications you received today
- How many times you unlocked the smartphone
If this is getting out of hand, then maybe it’s time for you to limit your phone usage. You can set limits for this via Digital Wellbeing on your phone. Maybe it’s all not too bad, and you don’t worry about your smartphone use at all. In any case, it is interesting to see how long others use their smartphones on a daily basis. To do this, check Digital Wellbeing in your phone’s settings:
- Open the institutions from your Android phone.
- Click or search for Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls
- Check your screen time per day here
AW Poll: are you a smartphone addict?
How many minutes/hours do you look at your phone every day? Are you a smartphone addict or is it not that bad (do you think)? Vote in the poll and comment below the article.