What is earned with and without managerial responsibility
Salary, flexibility, further training – these are the most important things for working people in their day-to-day work. He has the former Kununu Salary Report for the Germans with the result that the average gross annual salary is 48,538 euros. Hesse is the federal state with the highest average salaries, but people in Munich are the most satisfied with their salaries. Women still earn significantly less than men.
If you compare the top 5 industries, it becomes clear that the highest average salary is paid in the insurance sector at 59,629 euros. It is followed by the banking sector with 59,053 euros, the consulting sector with 57,621 euros, the IT sector with 57,475 euros and the energy sector with 56,416 euros average gross annual salary. Around 60 to 70 percent of the professionals surveyed in the respective sectors are satisfied with their salaries.
The gross salary increases with personnel responsibility: People in management positions earn an average of 14,392 euros more. This is particularly the case in consulting: Here the salary sometimes increases by 73 percent. Professional experience is also worthwhile. People with more than ten years of professional experience earn an average of 57,565 euros per year. This is particularly evident in the banking sector. An increase of up to 45 percent is possible here.
What project managers and software developers earn
What do salaried professionals in Germany earn in a specific job with or without managerial responsibility? In which industry is the job most lucrative? And which state pays the most? The employer rating platform Kununu has answered these questions specifically based on a few jobs that also affect the core readership of t3n magazine. We have detailed five professions.
Project managers earn on average in this country 60,565 euros gross per year. The salary is EUR 59,890 without managerial responsibility and EUR 62,592 with managerial responsibility. 38 percent of managers also have ten years of professional experience. The best payers are in the banking, medical and automotive sectors. The highest gross annual salaries are in Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Hesse and Bavaria.
Software developers earn on average 57,363 euros gross per year. The salary is EUR 56,908 without managerial responsibility and EUR 64,308 with managerial responsibility. 40 percent of managers also have ten years of professional experience. The best payers are in the automotive, insurance and banking sectors. The highest gross annual salaries are in Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Hamburg and Bavaria.
HR managers earn average wages in Germany 54,284 euros gross per year. The salary is EUR 53,108 without managerial responsibility and EUR 58,469 with managerial responsibility. 35 percent of managers also have ten years of professional experience. The insurance, banking and energy sectors are the best paid. The highest gross annual salaries are in Hesse, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg and Bavaria.
Sales managers earn on average 50,116 euros gross per year. The salary is EUR 49,029 without managerial responsibility and EUR 57,528 with managerial responsibility. 51 percent of managers also have ten years of professional experience. The insurance, medical technology and banking sectors pay the best. The highest gross annual salaries are in Hesse, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg and Bavaria.
Marketing managers earn on average 49,256 euros gross per year. The salary is EUR 48,252 without managerial responsibility and EUR 55,520 with managerial responsibility. 29 percent of managers also have ten years of professional experience. The insurance, pharmaceutical and banking sectors pay the best. The federal states of Hesse, Bavaria and Bremen have the highest gross annual salaries.
Editor’s Recommendations
In view of the fact that prices in Germany have risen by more than ten percent on average, citizens can afford significantly less. Experts also fear that high inflation will be with us for a few more years before it returns to the normal level of between two and three percent. The Ifo Institute therefore expects salary increases for 2023.
In a survey by economic research, 81 percent of HR managers said they wanted to adjust salaries in the coming year. Only 19 percent of HR managers do not expect to increase salaries. The average salary increase should therefore be 5.5 percent. For tech specialists, there should also be an opportunity for further salary increases in this context.