
What does “XOXO” mean? Meaning and explanation of the abbreviation

In times of chats, smartphones and e-mails, recurring expressions are shortened and only written in individual letters. The abbreviation “XOXO” can be found above all in the virtual world, but also on classic letters. But what does the abbreviation actually mean?

Unlike abbreviations like “PEBKAC”, “LOL” or “FTW” there are no individual words behind “XOXO”. Also the 1337 language doesn’t help when translating “XOXO”. Rather, you have to imagine the letters as pictures in order to be able to understand the meaning of “XOXO”.

What does “xoxo” mean?

The most common translation of the abbreviation “XOXO” is: “Hugs and kisses!In German, this means something like “hug with kisses”.

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  • The letter combination is used in e-mails, SMS, in chats or in classic letters on paper.
  • The “O” stands for a hug. For this you can imagine 2 people from above who hug each other and form an “o”.
  • The “X” stands for a kiss. You can imagine a kissable mouth with pursed lips looking something like this.
  • Often just “XX” is used. Then you only give kisses and do without the virtual hugs.
  • So if you greet or say goodbye to someone If you want, you can use this combination of letters.

What does “XOXO” mean? Meaning and explanation of the abbreviation

For example, you can write “xoxo” with your BFFs if you like someone very much. On the other hand, you shouldn’t send that to your boss or teacher. Some examples of how the term is used on Twitter:

“XOXO” is also the name of the 2011 album by the Bielefeld rapper Casper. With the album, Casper achieved a breakthrough in the mainstream, and in its first week on sale, the work landed at number 1 in the Media Control charts. With over 200,000 copies sold, Casper has also been able to dust off platinum for his third studio album. The fourth song on the album is also entitled “XOXO”, Thees Uhlmann sings alongside Casper.

“I’ll tattoo your name over my heart
With anchors, so everyone knows where mine belongs”

We have an overview of other meanings of various chat abbreviations for you. This is how we explain to you what the abbreviation “DHL” stands for or what “asap” means. We also explain the meaning of the “thumbs up” sign.

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