‘We were given a laundry list of bedtime rituals when a friend came to stay’
Image: Shutterstock
Delicious, a sleepover for your little, big dragon. Everyone is eating popcorn and chatting. At least, as long as no one screams…
Annemiek (30), mother of Sebas (7):
“Friend Tijn came to stay for the night and we were given a laundry list of bed rituals. At 7:30 he always drank green tea with honey. There was a kitchen timer in his bag, because he had exactly five minutes to brush his teeth. His legs had to be rubbed with baby oil for the growing pains and he could only fall asleep if he first listened to fairy tales on Spotify.
“At ten o’clock Tijn screamed murder and fire”
I suspected a little chat with my son before bed would have the same effect as Grimm’s adventures, but alas, at ten o’clock Tijn was screaming bloody murder. He had to and would have his phone and earphones, before he didn’t close his eyes.”
Also read – ‘The bed ritual has gotten a bit out of hand here at home’ >
Sleeping without bear
Lizette (33), mother of Adam (10), Laila (7) and Niama (6):
“Last week one of Adam’s classmates stayed the night. My two girls were constantly challenging each other and there was continuous blaring and yelling. The two boys then went together (with swimming trunks) in the jacuzzi in the bathroom. Logeetje had his cuddly toy with him and accidentally threw it against the shower screen and splashed into the toilet. I put the wet bear in a bag for his parents to throw in the washing machine at home the next morning.
“It turned out to be a late night, because they really didn’t go to sleep earlier”
Only it turned out that the boy really couldn’t sleep without his hug. He was deeply sad. And so late at night I did another wash with just his bear in it. After this I quickly dried it with the hair dryer, until the tail had the desired dryness. That was the most important thing, because that’s what he used to tickle under his nose. It turned out to be a late night, because they really didn’t go to sleep before.”
To stay
Rianne (29), mother of Midas (10):
“Midas is in the stay-me-with-you-or-you-with-me phase. Every weekend he wants to leave or asks if someone can come and sleep. In itself fine, but we have a two-room apartment and share the bedroom. As soon as he gets a boyfriend, I’m forced to move to the couch in the living room. I don’t want to deny him these kinds of festivities, but I have to pay for it myself with a bad back and night’s sleep.”
This article appears in Kek Mama 09-2022.
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