“We build our whole lives around her sport”
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Getting up before dawn for your little pea’s game or having to wriggle around because the shuttle service didn’t show up. Your own sportsmanship is put to the test.
Jacqueline (33), mother of Pippa (9) and Lot (4):
“My eldest daughter is a talented gymnast, trains daily and regularly participates in national competitions. Very nice, but also tough, because we build our whole lives around her sport.
What I certainly can’t get used to are those starting times of matches. Starting at a quarter to nine means collecting half an hour in advance and often also an hour’s drive. Now that I work from home a lot, it’s doable, but before I found it really hard: getting up early for work and family for a whole week and then also getting up before dawn at the weekend. I secretly hope that the youngest will soon be a little less sporty.”
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The shuttle service fails
Annelies (39), mother of Eveline (12):
“Before Eveline played in this basketball team, we could easily reach away games by bicycle. That worked out well, because we don’t have a car.
Now that she is on a selection team, the region has expanded to the three surrounding provinces. I therefore depend on the other parents for away games. Usually I ask for a lift when I go to see the training or I let Eveline arrange it. But somehow it keeps going wrong.
If we stand neatly at the sports hall, no one shows up. Or are we waiting in vain at home at the agreed time. Very annoying, because then I have to charter a car from the neighbors like crazy. It’s really not that I’m cheap, I always offer to pay for the gas.”
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