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Video marketing: An effective marketing tool

Are you already using all the marketing strategies, but are you missing something? Maybe it’s the video. It is one of the most expensive strategies, the most difficult to implement, but it can be effective if the implementation goes well.


By definition, the marketing video is a video used to strengthen the marketing strategies already in place. It can be different according to the needs and the purpose. We find videos:

  • for promote a product or service ;
  • of demonstration ;
  • for boost the referencing of a site, etc.

You have to know what to do marketing videos is very expensive. However, you need a lot of them, because one video is not enough to make sales or for communication. In addition, it is often impossible for companies to do it internally, because it is a very special expertise, unless of course the company sets up a service specializing in video marketing.

For who ?

Video marketing is aimed at all industries, all types of businesses and all types of businesses. The only differences are:

  • the contents ;
  • The strategy ;
  • the targets.


If you are in the BtoC, the marketing video is made for you whether it is:

  • for the communication ;
  • for boost sales ;
  • for the pure marketing.

What’s more, your targets are easier to reach because they are on social media, video platforms and constantly on the web. Your type of video will be videos that attract curiosity, that inspire purchase. Animations, real videos, it’s up to you. For broadcasting, you are spoiled for choice and especially depending on the targets to be reached. Either way, you can use all mediums and platforms.


If you are in btob, it’s a little more complicated, corn not impossible. What makes marketing videos complex for this type of business is the targets. Usually you are targeting leaders. However, these people are rarely on video platforms and social networks. Your type of video differs from BtoC. You are mainly in:

  • webinars;
  • podcasts;
  • the demos.

Advantages and disadvantages

Video marketing, if it is well organized and well thought out, can be very effective. Provided therefore, to know the drawbacks to better understand.

Your advantages

  • The video speaks more than the texts. So, commitment is more important;
  • Video streams easily on the web: on the site, on social networks, on video platforms and integrates into online advertisements;
  • Video allows you to do almost anything you want: demonstration, enhancement, etc;
  • The video is more explicit if you need to explain complex points such as the use of electronic equipment for example.

Your disadvantages

  • Video is expensive to produce and requires partnership with a specialized agency;
  • Video is even more expensive because one video is not enough for a marketing strategy.

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