
Twitter Edit: finally possible to edit tweets

Twitter has added a feature to edit tweets right after posting. However, there are still some snags. You can read which these are in this article.

Tweets are no longer set in stone

Who does not know the problem on Twitter. You’ve just shared your tweets with the world and suddenly you find out that you’ve made quite a gross spelling mistake. Or maybe you expressed a little too strongly. Then there is really only one thing you can do and that is delete your tweet. And even then, there are websites that can retrieve your missed tweet. In short, it would be quite handy to have an edit function.

Twitter Edit solution for impulsive celebrities

We know a certain controversial ex-president of the United States who probably would have enjoyed this feature. Elon Musk has also cost himself quite a bit with careless tweets, for example with tweets about Tesla that, according to the American stock market regulator, amounted to manipulation of the price of the car group.

Update your tweet in half an hour

The good news is that there is finally an edit function on Twitter, Twitter Edit. Twitter is already doing this to test. In addition, it will be possible to update your tweet and remove any errors within half an hour after you have tweeted. This change was reportedly introduced at the initiative of Elon Musk, when he was still represented on the board.

Indeed, this feature will make the platform a lot more attractive, experts think. In any case, a majority of Twitter users have already made it clear that they would like to see this feature in Twitter.

The disadvantage of the feature is that previous versions remain visible and that you can see from the tweet that it has been changed before. Another disadvantage is that only paying Twitter users will be able to use the feature.

Feature prone to abuse

The reason Twitter has waited so long to add this feature is that it lends itself to abuse. For example, you can share a viral tweet and then change the text, for example to something with the opposite statement or with a link to your phishing site. In the final version of the functionality, there will probably be a security that makes these kinds of techniques a lot more difficult to implement.

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