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Tips for saving smartphone battery



In this article we will give you the tips and Tips for keeping your battery charged


What is a smartphone battery and how does it work?

A smartphone battery is a rechargeable battery that powers a smartphone, tablet, or other portable device. Smartphones typically run on lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery chemistry and are designed to be rechargeable, so they can be used over and over again. Unlike other batteries like your car battery, the smartphone battery is often designed as a disposable product that has a limited number of charges before it needs to be replaced. Indeed, smartphones are often used for more than a day before needing to be recharged. These batteries can range in capacity from 1100 to 4000 mAh and are usually charged using a standard USB-to-micro-USB charging cable.


How to install and configure Battery Saver on Android?

  • open the app;
  • tap “Enable battery saver”;
  • tap the slider to activate battery saver;
  • you can also enable battery saver manually by going to Settings > Battery and tapping “Battery saver” To disable battery saver, repeat the steps above and disable battery saver manually.


Some of these tips will help you maintain your battery life


1. Avoid draining your battery when your phone is plugged in;

2. Sleep mode can actually drain the battery faster than using the phone normally, so you should turn it off if you don’t intend to use your device for an extended period of time;

3. Turn off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use;

4. turn off your screen for one hour a day to extend your battery life;

5. Stop using apps like GPS when you’re not in the car and stop playing games when you’re not actually playing them;

6. close all your applications running in the background, including “Voicemail” or “email”.


If your battery is too low follow these Tips for keeping your battery charged

  • when your battery is low, avoid using the camera and other apps that drain the battery like GPS;
  • do not overload your device. This can cause permanent damage to your battery;
  • When your battery is nearly empty, fully charge it and let it discharge to the point where you need a charge before recharging it again;
  • avoid storing your device in a hot or humid place, as this can cause chemical reactions;
  • turn off your phone before going to bed;
  • keep your phone away from your bed;
  • make an effort to spend more time outside the home.

Power outages happen when you’re constantly in front of your phone. It’s easy to lose track of time, get distracted, and end up with far less screen time than you intended.

There are several ways to avoid phone blackouts and make the most of reduced screen time:

1. Be sure to take breaks from your phone. Set a timer for 15 minutes every hour or make a rule that you have to turn off your phone for an hour before bedtime;

2. start using technology that can help you disconnect from your phone and better manage screen time, such as apps like Momentum or Headspace;

3. keep track of the time you spend on social media by downloading the Social Media Time Tracker app;


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