
TikTok becoming a bigger competitor for Google search

The wildly popular Chinese site TikTok is not exactly what you think of as a search engine. Yet this collection of short video clips seems to be rapidly becoming popular as an alternative to Google.

Tiktok, THE medium for Generation Z

Generation Z, the people who are now teenagers or young adults, grew up with TikTok’s short funny videos. YouTube videos can easily last a few minutes, 30 seconds is a long time for a movie on this site. That makes this site very popular among children and adolescents for whom life can’t go fast enough.

Do you want to know something quickly and don’t like to read? Then TikTok is the place to go. You immediately see what it looks like instead of having to rely on language. No wonder that if you want to know where a nice restaurant is, or what something looks like, young people are more likely to look at TikTok than type the text on Google.

Tiktok less manipulated by SEO

But TikTok has another huge advantage. It is not easy to advertise on the site, or to hire an expensive company to get to number one, as it is possible with Google, for example.

So when you see search results on TikTok, you know that most people think this makes sense, not because some shady algorithm finds it. That makes it a lot more authentic. For as long as it lasts, of course, because more and more marketing agencies are plunging into this fast-growing and lucrative market.

The future?

That concept is very appealing to Generation Z. More than half of young adults therefore search on TikTok and not on Google for advice on personal finance, for example.

Who has the youth, has the future! So in that regard, the American software giants will be quite concerned. Because according to expectations, TikTok search engine will become more popular than YouTube’s in 2024.

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