
This shoe completely dissolves in water

Researchers from California have developed a new type of plastic that biodegrades in water. A shoe made from the material began to disintegrate after around four weeks.

In the past few decades, one material in particular has become a major problem: plastic. The plastic has many positive properties and is, for example, light and inexpensive. Nevertheless, we are now increasingly seeing the negative consequences of our plastic consumption.

Because the plastic decomposes over time into so-called microplastics, which have even been detected in human blood. Researchers at the University of California at San Diego have therefore developed a plastic alternative.

The material is biodegradable and has already shown its strengths on land. Because on compost, the new type of plastic decomposes again into its harmless starting materials. Now the scientists have achieved further successes in the water.

Plastic alternative: Microorganisms take over recycling

In the meantime, so-called garbage vortices have formed at central points in the oceans. One of these is located in the Pacific and covers 1.6 million square kilometers. For comparison: The area of ​​the Federal Republic of Germany is about 357,000 square kilometers.

The new plastic should remedy this. Because even if it gets into the sea, marine animals colonize the material and break it down into its harmless starting materials. Hardly anything is left over, since the microorganisms take over almost all of the recycling.

Plastic shoes decompose after just four weeks

To prove the sustainability of their own plastic, the researchers conducted an experiment with a shoe. They made this specifically for the experiment from the new type of plastic.

After they immersed it in seawater, the material decomposed after about four weeks. The researchers found the necessary microorganisms not only in their test tank, but also in various locations around San Diego.

Even if the process drags on for weeks, the decomposition process could gradually be observed. It is still unclear whether and when the plastic alternative will be suitable for everyday use. Nevertheless, the researchers demonstrated that environmentally friendly plastic can already be a reality.

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