This is how you abbreviate the term correctly
Every now and then it is worth taking a look into the past. The abbreviation of century is not unimportant here. You can find out which variant is correct from us.
Are you talking about times long past, exciting historical facts or are you traveling back in time with Google Maps? In historical contexts you will encounter this word frequently. Perhaps you have already stumbled across various abbreviations. The brooding should come to an end: We’ll show you how to correctly abbreviate the word century.
The federal states also have official abbreviations. do you know them all
Century as an abbreviation: which one is correct?
Historians, students and pupils who deal with old times come more often with the Abbreviation for century in touch. Depending on the age of the text, you will get to know different forms. The following are generally known:
You’ve probably already read several of these forms as abbreviations for century. If you are unsure what is right now and which forms you should avoid, it is best to stick to them official spelling of dictionary. That is “Yeah.”. This way you are always on the safe side and do not run the risk of accidentally using a different spelling.
In chat programs like “WhatsApp” completely different abbreviations are part of the daily needs. The following series of pictures shows you particularly important abbreviations:
Abbreviation of Century: How do you formulate the correct genitive?
Now, of course, it is still interesting how the correct conjugation of “Jh.” in the case of the genitive reads. There are also several forms of writing that you can encounter. In addition, it is the most common way of using it, because the formulation “of the century” I’m sure you read it more often. In the case of the genitive, however, it is easy: you can simply choose it, because “des Jh.” and “des Jhs.” are both correct. It is best to decide on one form so that you do not use several variants within one text. It’s nice that the German language doesn’t set you a nasty trap in this case, isn’t it?
Common spellings with the abbreviation of century
Straight formulations that one specific period include, like to experience abbreviations in our language. So you want, for example 12th Century abbreviate correctly, you write “12. Jh.”. Pay attention to the dot after the abbreviation, otherwise the abbreviated spelling of the century is wrong. This is also important for other abbreviations such as PA.
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