
This car gets you to your destination better – according to ADAC

Electric car or combustion engine? For many car buyers, this is more than a question of type – it all comes down to price. But safety on the road is also crucial. The ADAC has determined which alternative can shine with the better frequency of breakdowns.

ADAC: E-cars beat combustion engines in breakdown statistics

In the current ADAC breakdown statistics for the year 2022, reliable results for electric cars are also included for the first time. With this, the automobile club shows how electric and combustion engines fare in a direct comparison: the result is that they have E-cars are ahead with 4.9 breakdowns per 1,000 vehicles.

combustion engine cut though not much worse away. In the case of classic petrol and diesel vehicles, for every 1,000 vehicles in the Average 6.9 glitches on. According to ADAC Both types of drive thus come to “a very low probability of breakdown”.

According to the ADAC, the average age of all registered vehicles in Germany is ten years. Because E-cars are usually much younger only compare the registration years from 2020. Accordingly, only younger combustion engines come into play in this average.

Lease an e-car and collect an environmental bonus

The results also need to be further qualified. The ADAC points out that electric cars are driven less on average. The The comparison group of e-cars is also relatively small. So far, it includes four models that have been noticed with sufficient frequency with breakdowns since the registration year 2020: Tesla Model 3, Renault Zoe, BMW i3 and the ID.3 from Volkswagen are taken into account by the ADAC in the current statistics.

A notice: According to its own statements, ADAC records “technical breakdowns that were dealt with by ADAC” in its breakdown statistics. These are around 50 percent of all breakdowns that occur in Germany. The actual probability of breakdowns is therefore likely to be higher, since the manufacturer’s guarantee can often also apply in the event of a breakdown, especially with newer vehicles.

Other models and manufacturers (still) fall through the cracks. They could still significantly influence the comparison in the coming years – whether in the direction of combustion engines or in favor of electric cars remains to be seen.

When comparing prices between e-cars and combustion engines, there is still no clear winner:

E-car breaks down? This part is mostly to blame

The ADAC makes some differences in the frequency of certain breakdowns: For example, e-cars perform better in the drive category with the motor or the high-voltage system. The most common cause of breakdowns, however, is what combustion engines and electric cars have in common.

In addition to the frequency of breakdowns, the Price has a major impact on the choice of drive. In the large total cost comparison, the ADAC reveals who performs better here.

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