
This battery does not require lithium

Researchers from Oregon have apparently developed a battery that does not require lithium or other rare raw materials. The focus is on electromobility.

In recent years, the demand for batteries has increased rapidly. In addition to the ever-widening use in e-cars, we also need energy storage for the power grids of the future. In order to ensure that households are supplied with electricity, energy companies are already storing excess solar power in batteries.

However, there is a problem. This is because our planet has limited resources of nickel and lithium, two main components of current battery technology. Researchers from Oregon State University are therefore researching a solution that will eliminate the need for these raw materials. Lithium could be exhausted as early as 2025.

This battery does not require lithium

In addition to the scarcity of raw materials, the origin of the materials also plays a role. The mines from which companies extract lithium or nickel are not exactly environmentally friendly and usually have poor working conditions. Turning away from such sources of raw materials therefore seems necessary.

The solution is said to be anion batteries. Because these could replace lithium-ion storage in the long term and have significantly more capacity. The advantage: lithium and nickel would be a thing of the past. Nevertheless, the technology will not be able to completely replace previous battery solutions.

Lower emissions remain the main goal

However, electric cars with anion batteries would significantly reduce the need for rare raw materials. The researchers hope to be able to commercialize the technology soon. Then the price will probably be right, so that many manufacturers will install the technology in their cars. In this way, we would also come much closer to our climate goals.

Because if the emissions of an electric vehicle are close to zero over the entire life cycle, the environment benefits because fewer harmful greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. Not only the production of new batteries plays a role, but also the recycling of existing raw materials that are in circulation.

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