
Thermostat down and ventilation grilles closed: mold formation when printing your energy bill

It’s good for your wallet to turn down your thermostat and keep your vents closed. However, this is not a good idea: different fungi species are given free rein to quickly gain ground in your home.

What are fungi?

Fungi consist of threads, mycelium, which sometimes form spores to spread. Like plants, animals and bacteria, they form a group of living organisms. We humans are also part of the ecosystem. The human body is set up to live together with fungi. For example, did you know that fungi play a major role in cleaning up leaves that fall from trees?

Every minute you breathe in spores of fungi. Fungi even live in our colon. In principle, with a properly functioning immune system, we humans do not get sick of this.

So why are fungi unhealthy?

Most of the fungi are so small that you need a microscope to see them. When a lot of mold grows in one place, they become visible to humans. In this scenario, large amounts of spores are left behind, which become airborne.

Are there many molds in one place? Then, because of those traces, there may be problems. Inhalation of this can cause wheezing, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, nausea and headache. Visible mold in your home is never a good thing, even if you don’t experience any health problems from it.

What about if we want to save energy?

Each person produces 1 liter of fluid per day under normal circumstances. Every day, between 10 and 20 liters of moisture enters your home through, for example, showering, mopping and cooking. When condensation occurs on cold surfaces, damp spots appear. A simple solution to prevent damp spots is to turn on the extraction or open a window.

A living space should never be completely closed. If a room has less humidity, you also save on your energy costs. After all, more energy is needed to heat a room.

How do you prevent mold in your home?

Do you want to prevent mold from developing in your home? Read the most important tips here!

  • Ventilate the room when you are cooking, when you shower or have just finished showering and when you are doing odd jobs
  • Remove limescale and dirt. This way you prevent many fungi from attaching themselves to one place
  • Use authorized agents to remove black deposits from molds. Read the manual carefully beforehand?
  • Does this not yield any results? Then enlist expert help. It is also advisable to call in help if you come across different spots of mold

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