
The Rig – Amazon horror series especially loved by critics

An oil derrick. Suddenly, a titanic force vibrates the platform and a mysterious fog rises. This is just the beginning of the eco-thriller The Rig.

The setting of The Rig, a lonely oil rig on the high seas

The Rig, an oil derrick, is a gated community where the workers often work in isolation for weeks and the only entertainment is movies and the internet. But what if supernatural things start to happen? Then this island of steel turns into a huge rat trap full of horror, which guarantees exciting experiences for the main characters.

A tip of the veil of the plot

The story begins when the main characters are taken to the mainland in a helicopter after several weeks of hard work on the high seas. Then, just as they are about to leave, all communication suddenly breaks down. The pilot is ordered by the mafia The Company to fly the revolving blade to another oil rig due to a calamity. A dense fog envelops The Rig, and titanic forces shake it through. And that’s just the beginning of the bad news.

Because a dark, swirling non-human force has it in store for the oil rig and its crew. Earth, it seems, takes revenge on man, who destroys it. Or is something else going on?

To watch or not to watch The Rig?

The series was written by someone with expertise, because the father of screenwriter Martin Compston himself worked as a laborer on an oil rig in the North Sea. For people with an affinity with derricks, it is therefore a feast of recognition.

Also, not too great sins are committed against science, so that with some goodwill it can also continue as a Lovecraftian science fiction series.

Critics of the series complain about the somewhat poor character development. You can tell from the lack of spectacular special effects that this is a low-budget series. On the other hand, this makes the production raw and authentic.

If you like exciting action with elements of horror, can appreciate authentic details from the oil industry and psychology is less interesting to you, you will like this series. In itself, the director has done his homework well, and has put down a solid six-part series with The Rig.

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