The mobile operator 4ka celebrates its 6th birthday
The youngest Slovak mobile operator 4ka today celebrates the 6th anniversary of entering the Slovak market. On this occasion, it will start cooperating with League for Mental Health campaign I’m making mistakes and I’m 4.
The success of the 4 is mainly due to endless packages
4ka entered the market on October 5, 2015 and immediately attracted attention by offering mobile data at a reasonable price. It was also the first to bring an endless data plan. Today, endless products reach more than half of the flat rates sold in 4. The operator has more than half a million active customers and this share is growing every day.
“In October 2016, we launched the first truly endless package. Today, after five years, we can say that it was a move in the right direction, which is confirmed by the fact that at the end of September 2021, there is more than every second flat rate sold (58%) with endless data. “
Marek Janosik, Head of Product Department 4ky
It is interesting that last year during the pandemic a new record was set in the 4th. The average volume of consumed data of a dating customer 4ky exceeded 12 GB (12.34 GB), while the TOP 10% of the most downloading customers transfer more than 50 GB of data on average per month. At the same time, the continuous consumption of the operator’s customers is growing by approximately 20% year-on-year.

4ka starts cooperation with League for Mental Health
On the occasion of the 6th anniversary, the 4ka operator starts cooperating with League for Mental Health. As part of the campaign I’m making mistakes and I’m 4 will support the communication of the topics of the League for Mental Health. 4ka will also provide the League with marketing support in the amount of 25% of the contracted advertising space in the OOH and through a special spot in the online space.
“In the forthcoming campaign, we want to point out that making mistakes is human and they move us forward, and on the contrary, the pressure exerted on artificial perfection and flawlessness is unhealthy. Social media creates an unhealthy illusion of a beautiful, flawless world, which is often the result of reality adjusted by a number of filters. But young people in particular are subject to this notion, and the fact that they do not feel fit into this world leads to an increase in anxiety and other mental health problems. That is why we want to motivate them to be themselves. To stand up to this pressure and say – I’m 4. “
Roland Kyška, Marketing Director 4ky
The AMI Digital Index 2021 survey shows that only 2% of Slovaks do not have an account on social networks. According to the survey, up to 97% of young people aged 15 to 29 view social networks every day. On average, people spend 3 hours a day on social networks, and in young people it can be more than double. Social networks serve them not only for contact with loved ones, but also for entertainment and also as a source of information.
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