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The importance of implementing an anti-phishing solution


In recent years, more and more companies have adopted the anti-phishing solution to fight against phishing or hacking. This can be explained by the fact that, according to a study carried out in 2020, 9 out of 10 companies would have been victims of a major cyberattack. Thanks to anti-phishing software, you have a powerful tool capable of detecting malicious code and managing attacks.


What is a successful phishing campaign?


In general, aphishing campaign efficient is a kind of sensitization which should bring a real knowledge on cybersecurity and e-learning modules dedicated. In addition, the awareness campaign should provide a certain autonomy to all software. Similarly, it should support the company to be able to deal with attacks from hackers and malicious sites.


Recipes for a successful phishing campaign


A good awareness campaign to cybersecurity and phishing requires :

  • the application of an effective method to improve a company’s time management;
  • regular sending of phishing e-mails to employees;
  • running the sites, while ensuring their safety and efficiency.

What anti-phishing solutions should companies use?


First, the company must use at the service of a specialist expert in cybersecurity and phishing campaign. Its mission is to implement a solution allowing employees to identify phishing emails. The solution adopted must be able to filter spam or reduce the volume of phishing in the inboxes of all employee computers. It should be noted that the installation anti-phishing software is highly recommended in all cybercrime situations.


The best anti-phishing solution must exceed your objectives

A phishing campaign should not only be limited to solving the problem of phishing. Indeed, it is an awareness campaign which must ensure the sustainability of cybersecurity. For this, it is necessary to adopt a strategy oriented towards your objectives.


How to avoid being hacked by computer phishing?

It only takes a few specific gestures to avoid get hacked by hackers. In any case, the ideal is to use powerful software such as Protect. It is a tool for secure all professional emails from a company. Thus, no one can access the inboxes without having the code. In addition, this solution is both anti-spam and anti-spear phishing protection.

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