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The future of green technology and how it can help you



All about greentech

Green-tech is a term that refers to the use and production of clean and renewable resources. This includes the use of renewable sources and/or recycled products to manufacture products. Green technology also includes methods of transportation and power generation.


How Green Tech can help with 8 amazing use cases?

1 climate change mitigation. Cleaner air and water, increased agricultural productivity and a healthy environment for all are just some of the ways clean technologies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change;

2. decrease in coal and oil consumption;

3. increase in solar energy production;

4. better urban planning to reduce car use;

5. increasing energy efficiency in buildings;

6. waste reduction, reuse and recycling;

7. best forest management practices;

8. Carbon sequestration in soils and oceans.

Data and actions should be shared across different countries to enable more effective tracking of progress against greenhouse gas reduction targets and other reductions such as deforestation. Here is an example of the data that we must take into account:

  • data collection at the national level;
  • international establishment of data collection/reporting systems
  • increased carbon sequestration;
  • increased forest cover;
  • production of biomass and biofuels;
  • land use management and forestry. Subsistence agriculture should be encouraged to maintain the existing natural resource base for local communities, with managed forest areas conserved to ensure carbon sequestration and reduce emissions from deforestation.

How can companies benefit from green technologies?

Small businesses, such as restaurants and bakeries, can conserve energy and water by installing low-flow faucets and toilets, and using less energy through refrigerators, washing machines, and washers. – efficient dishes. Large companies can save resources by installing high-efficiency lighting and cooling systems to reduce electricity consumption, as well as purchasing recycled paper products. It is estimated that small businesses can save up to €6,000 per year in energy and water costs by implementing these methods. A sustainable lifestyle can also be achieved in less visible ways. Replacing a 10 to 26 watt light bulb with a 25 watt bulb will save more energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but the average consumer will not notice the change since they are not using frequent blisters. Sustainable technologies can also help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which are the main cause of global warming. For example, a wind generator can produce electricity without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


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