
The Epic Games Store will sell games with NFT -apkrig

Epic Games, through its president Tim Sweeney, has announced that the Epic Games Store will work with developers to play NFT games. At the same time, it does not prevent titles that are linked to a blockchain database, which of course also includes cryptocurrencies. In his statement, Tim Sweeney claims that only games whose mechanisms will be legal, inform users in detail about the conditions and be age-restricted will be accepted for sale on the Epic Games Store. “Although Epic does not use crypto in its games, we welcome innovation in technology and finance,” said Epic Games President. What is striking is that this happened just three weeks after Sweeney’s statementthat is Epic Games NFT does not touch, due to the many scams that are emerging in the field of NFT.

The change in the attitude of Epic Games, especially towards the NFT, can be interpreted as a reaction to the opposite step of the largest competitor in the field of digital video game distribution. Just a few hours before Sweeney’s statement, the journalists noticed that Valve had modified Steam’s terms and conditions and banned the sale of NFT or cryptocurrency games. For example, the game Age of Rust, which promised players, paid for it treasure hunt in the form of an item with a value of 20 Bitcoins, ie approximately 27 million crowns. However, Valve relies in the modified conditions on the fact that it does not want to provide customers with titles in which some items have value in the real world, which are both NFT and cryptocurrencies. from the game. Of course, this does not apply to titles whose game items can be sold in the closed Steam Marketplace ecosystem, where money flows exclusively into Steam’s wallet and remains within the platform.

But let’s go back to Epic Games and its president. Of course, the fans did not escape the discrepancy in Tim Sweeney’s statement, but there is an answer to it. Not completely unambiguous and holding together, but it exists. Sweeney explained on Twitter that it was necessary to distinguish, Fr. what Epic is actually being talked about. Whether about a technology company or game developers. In the first case, the above applies – Epic Games welcomes and supports advances in technology and finance. The latter is what Sweeney said at the end of September – that they will not touch the NFT as game developers. But we probably won’t find integrity in his position if, on the one hand, Sweeney is behind the fact that the NFT is shrouded in fraud and, on the other, talks about progress.

The ecological dimension is also important for the discussing fans. If we talk about cryptocurrencies, their extraction consumes a lot of electricity, not to mention the hardware needed and its production. Thus, many comments come across the impact on the environment and call for at least a ban on such cryptocurrencies, which are the worst in this regard. The second very common point of criticism of Epic Games is the influence of cryptocurrencies, regardless of their decentralization. Players fear that they may target titles in the Epic Games Store, the main purpose of which will be to deceive players / buyers of cryptocurrencies and cause them financial damage.

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