The Book of Vanitas in Stream (German & OmU)
Here you can find out where you can watch the current episodes of the anime adaptation of the manga of the same name “The Case Study of Vanitas” by Jun Mochizuki in German and in the original.

“The Case Study of Vanitas” in Stream & TV
In Germany, “The Case Study of Vanitas” is available to stream on the anime streaming services “Crunchyroll” and “Wakanim”. You don’t even need to sign up for a paid subscription:
- Apart from the current episode, you can watch “The Case Study of Vanitas” as an original with subtitles (OmU) with advertising free of charge on Crunchy roll see.
- If you want to see the series with a German soundtrack (GerDub) or without advertising, you either need that Fan subscription (6.99 euros/month) from Crunchyroll or the VIP membership (5 euros/month) from Wakanim.
episode list
consequence | German title | stream premiere |
court 1 |
1 (1) | The case of Rusty Hopes | 07/02/21 |
2 (2) | In the city of flowers | 09.07.21 |
3 (3) | The fangs that read blood | 07/16/21 |
4 (4) | The Night of the Laughing Masks | 07/23/21 |
5 (5) | friends | 07/30/21 |
6 (6) | doubt | 06.08.21 |
7 (7) | love | 08/13/21 |
8 (8) | The place where the dead rest | 08/20/21 |
9 (9) | Those chasing the deep red | 08/27/21 |
10 (10) | No. 69 | 09/03/21 |
11 (11) | the ban | 09/10/21 |
12 (12) | The starter of everything | 09/17/21 |
court 2 |
S(12.5) | What happened until now | 1/7/22 |
13 (13) | A chance encounter | 01/14/22 |
14 (14) | The witch and the young man | 01/21/22 |
15 (15) | The vampire of the d’Apchier family | 01/28/22 |
16 (16) | “The beast” | 2/4/22 |
17 (17) | touch the nightmare | 02/11/22 |
18 (18) | Lonely for two | 02/18/22 |
19 (19) | snow flowers | 02/24/22 |
20 (20) | Incurable disease | 3/4/22 |
21 (21) | scar | 03/11/22 |
22 (22) | blue night | 03/18/22 |
23 (23) | TBA | 03/25/22 |
What’s the matter?
France in a steampunk version of the 19th century: most people think the vampires were defeated in war many years ago – but the bloodsucking creatures of the night still walk among them. However, they remain undetected as they control their blood thirst and have not attacked humans under any circumstances since the war.
During a journey on an airship, the vampire Noé Archivist meets a very special doctor: Vanitas. He is no ordinary medic, but a doctor specializing in vampirism and possessed of the Book of Vanitas.
A disease is breaking out among the vampires that makes it impossible for them to control their blood thirst. For this reason, more and more reports of vampire attacks on humans have been appearing lately and the peaceful shadowy existence of the vampire people is in danger of collapsing.
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