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The “antivax” at Google do not want to be fooled

Even before the vaccine obligation was actually adopted, Google decided to anticipate. Since the company has more than 100 employees in most of its offices across the United States, workers will need to prove that they have been vaccinated. They have until January 13 to show proof of vaccination, medical or religious exemption. And yes, because in the USA, the subject of religion is very sensitive and many people hostile to the vaccine successfully use this ” joker card“.

Teleworkers are also part of the lot since they will be, as before the crisis, obliged to come a few days in the week in the offices. After January 13, it is the descent into hell: paid leave for 30 days then unpaid leave and finally dismissal. A little radical all the same when we know that this law of the Biden government is still pending since it contravenes provisions made locally by certain states and that Congress is very divided on this subject.

Google is zealous …

Yet Google goes ball in mind. Google’s vice president for security even said that due to the company’s activities related to the federal government, all employees needed to be vaccinated. Even those who work from home. Logic. And no tests eh! Well no, testing is cheating. Yet 600 employees do not agree with company policy. In a manifesto they point the finger at the “coercive” and biased side of these measures.

The authors write that the position of “Denying unvaccinated employees access to the office publicly and possibly embarrassingly exposes a private choice”. The authors add that this violates the company’s principles of inclusiveness, but they are especially opposed to their employer having a register of the vaccination status of its employees. According to the manifesto, this could put the company on a slippery slope, paving the way for further intrusive measures.

So here are CSP ++ engineers swimming in the middle of “primary anti-ax conspiracy”. Stunning, right !?

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