The 10 best cities to work relaxed
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You need relaxation and a change of scenery, but you have no more vacation days? Then the topic of wellness workation should be an exciting opportunity to reconcile everyday work and vacation. In our weekly ranking, we show which ten cities are best suited for this.
Do you want to work and take a holiday at the same time to relax? The new work concept Workation promises a number of advantages. But the cost of living, health care and also the climate index play a major role in choosing a suitable workation location.
Wellness-Workation: The best cities to work relaxed
As Iceland’s leading airline, Icelandair analyzed the current workation trends. In the following ranking, we will show you the ten cities that combine wellness and work.
10th place: Helsinki
The Finnish capital Helsinki is in tenth place in the ranking. According to the analysis, the city scores above all with its relatively good climate balance. Because the level of air pollution in Finland is comparatively low. Overall, the quality of life in Helsinki is considered positive.
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