Android updates

Telephone canvassing: spot the pests in a second!

There is a group of good Samaritans in the world who want to help us at all costs. Their names are Jean-Philippe, Léa or Bruno and they call us more often than us, we call our parents. In addition, they are after our well-being since they wish save us money on our telephone or Internet subscriptions. There are even some who insist on offering you a diagnosis of your home (without really knowing exactly what it is). But the truth, Jean-Philippe, Léa and Bruno, is that you bother us when we eat and what’s more, we don’t need you to change plans if we wish. So even if we understand that your work is not easy, we now know a method to know when it is you who is calling.

Telephone canvassing: the losing numbers

Because, yes, even if we sometimes suspect that the person on the phone will try to sell us something, we still sometimes answer when we have a doubt or when we are expecting an important call. Today, we have “the power” to know in advance whether the call is a solicitation or not. Since 1er January, the French Telecoms Regulatory Authority (Arcep) has in fact set up a new numbering plan. Basically, commercial calls will now legally have to come from a number starting with these: 0162, 0163, 0270, 0271, 0377, 0378, 0424, 0425, 0568, 0569, 0948 and 0949 in metropolitan France. If you live in Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, or Saint-Barthélemy, add 09475 to the list. For Guyana, it will be 09476; 09477 for Martinique, and finally 09478 and 09479 for Reunion and Mayotte.

Finally, a small revolution, sales canvassing is now banned if using a number in 06 or 07. This therefore means that if you experience one from a call with such a prefix, it is a scam. A real blow for the sellers of fake training like CPF scams! And if you spot a shady number, just block it from your Android device…

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