StudySmarter helps you study smarter
Studying sometimes also means losing your attention or perseverance. It is precisely at those moments that it is important to persevere and not to let yourself go astray. Sometimes – when things are not going well – you need a goal to achieve. StudySmarter helps you with this and also offers handy ways to test yourself on present (or absent…) study knowledge.
Whichever study you follow: learning can sometimes be a big job that you have to tackle thoroughly. StudySmarter will help you with that. After setting up the app, you will see your goals for the week on the home screen and to what extent you have achieved the goals. To set the goals you need to go to the statistics tab via the bottom navigation bar. You must first connect to your computer via that tab before you can see the goals.
With regard to the goals, you can set, for example, how many hours you want to study, on which days you should study and which tasks you have to perform, for example. It is not so extensive that you can also add tasks yourself; it specifically concerns tasks that the app itself can measure.
For example, you can set that you study at least two hours a day from Monday to Friday and that you want to understand all the flashcards for your test during that time. During the week you can see exactly where you are, after which you can adjust the planning next week to keep it feasible. If you’re wondering: how will StudySmarter keep track of how much you study or how many flashcards you already know about the subject? This is done via the built-in ‘subject box’. In that box you create the subjects of your courses and you can then search for existing flashcards or add new ones.
Create your own summaries
Within such a block you can also add documents by scanning or uploading them. After the documents are uploaded, the app automatically scans the document or photo for existing text, and you can then annotate in the document. You can also create summaries for your exam(s) from the documents. You do this in the Summaries tab by clicking Create Summaries. This is possible from within the app, but StudySmarter recommends that you do this in the browser via

Of course you can study alone, but it might be more motivating to work as a group. You can also share more notes and make flashcards together, so that you can get started studying even faster. You can also do that via StudySmarter by sharing your topic with others. Once you’ve invited them, they’ll receive an email and can access the documents attached to the subject. You can in principle also make a subject public, but make sure that you have not uploaded any privacy-sensitive data. Anyone can then access your files by searching on the subject.
Download StudySmarter
StudySmarter is free to download from the Play Store and App Store. StudySmarter is free, unless you don’t want to see ads or want to keep multiple topics offline. By default, StudySmarter can save one topic offline for free.

Do you ever work with flashcards? Do you think working with goals, summaries and working together in the topics can help you? Let us know at the bottom of this article.
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