Spotify heart disappeared (this is how you now like new songs)
Spotify has adjusted how you get new songs likesbecause the heart is gone. We show you how to like songs from now on!
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Spotify changes heart to plus button
Spotify has released a minor update that makes it like of numbers is now slightly different. In the new update, the heart that you use to like songs has disappeared. You now have to tap a plus button to like a song.
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This button is still in the same place in Spotify, but it no longer has the same function as the heart used to have. With the heart you only added a song to your own library on Spotify, but the plus button has been given a function.
This is how you add a new song to your library
Liking songs and adding them to playlists on Spotify is now slightly different than before. If you now press the plus button, you will get several options. The song will automatically be added to your Liked Songs, but you can also add the song to more playlists using the same button. It like You can now do the following for songs on Spotify:
Like songs in Spotify on iPhone
- Open “Spotify”;
- Go to a song you like;
- At the bottom of the screen, go to the bar in which the number is displayed;
- Then tap the plus button to like the song.

If you then tap the check mark again, you can add the song to other playlists. Do you already have a song in a playlist? Then it may be that the song is not in the list of ‘Like songs’.
You can easily adjust this. Tap the check mark next to the song title to see an overview of all your playlists. To put the song on Spotify liketap Liked Songs > Done.
More tips for Spotify?
Spotify regularly launches updates and often releases new features. Do you want to know more about Spotify? Then take a look at these six handy functions of Spotify that you should not miss and read here how you can already put together your first playlist of 2024. Also check the new prices that Spotify will apply this year, because your Spotify subscription will unfortunately also become more expensive.
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