
Speeders on the freeway or in the neighborhood

Unfortunately, dangerous driving behavior in the form of driving too fast is rarely punished. Notorious speeders do not always fall into speed camera traps and thus into the police’s eye. Here we tell you what you can do against would-be racers on the freeway or in the neighborhood.

Autobahn Raser: Directly to the display?

Germany is notorious worldwide for the lack of speed limits on our autobahns. That doesn’t mean drivers can put a metaphorical brick on the gas pedal, though. The speed always has to adapted to the traffic situation and the safety distance is maintained will. If the driver behind pushes you and puts you and other drivers in danger an ad quite justified.

Remember that for that License plate, make and model along with colour of the driving car. Memorize the situation well, all the better if you can even describe the driver. The jostling can possibly be identified as coercion in road traffic. In such cases Section 240 of the Criminal Code (StGB). Accordingly, in addition to the withdrawal of the driver’s license, three points in Flensburg or a driving ban of several months with a fine, there is even a 3-year prison sentence.

speeding in the neighborhood

Drive the neighbors within a restricted traffic zone repeated too quickly, initially less drastic solutions can be pursued. Introduces personal conversation no further, it may be worth pointing out regular speeding violations to the local police. For example, you can use certain streets for the speed camera marathon suggest.

In some cases, only one ad can help further. Although this does not lead directly to a penalty for the speeder, it can draw the law enforcement officers’ attention to the road in question and lead to more frequent speed checks. With such a report, the officers need:

  • the personal details the reporting person.
  • the crime scenei.e. the road on which people drive too fast.
  • the crime timei.e. the time when speeding increases.
  • the Mark the person driving too fast.

If the area is often conspicuous, officers observe the traffic and, depending on their assessment, then control it with the appropriate equipment. So there is a high probability that the neighboring traffic offenders will be held accountable.

Another possibility: get in touch with your municipality. For example, you can suggest turning your neighborhood into a restricted-traffic area. For example, reducing the effective speed of road users speed bumps and plateau paving.

Report speeders via app: is that possible?

has been worrying for some time a speeding app in the UK caused a stir, outrage and anger towards the developers. So far the app Speedcam Anywhere British and American pen only in UK available, but is already hotly debated in Germany.

If you film a vehicle with the app, the artificial intelligence based on the video material, then the make and model of the car and the speed. The result can be sent directly to the police together with the number plate.

Even if that doesn’t result in a ticket, it does alert authorities to dangerous spots.

Fight speeders: You should never do that

Probably the worst idea you can implement when fighting speeders in your neighborhood is to take it into your own hands. obstacles like objects on the street to slow down speeders is a massive intervention in road traffic and irregular. If something or someone is harmed or if you endanger someone as a result, the result can be a fine or even imprisonment.

If you force the driver to stop or if you insult him in a confrontation, he can even stop you Show. speed camera dummies are permitted in principle, but must not interfere with road traffic. More ideas and methods for the fight against speed drivers bussgeldkatalog.org.

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