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Sotheby’s is auctioning a letter from Steve Jobs to convince an electronics store to sell the Apple-1

Sotheby’s organized a new auction objects related to Apple and its co-founder Steve Jobs. This time, it is a pack including an Apple I user manual, an Apple I cassette interface but also and above all a letter dated October 5, 1976 and signed by Jobs himself in which the co-founder of Apple tries to convince a certain Dave Kominiak to sell some Apple-1 in his electronics store. And Jobs knows how to do it to praise the merits of the first jewel of Apple, recalling that a new 20-page manual has been written for the BASIC programming language or that the electronic components are now arranged in “a magnificent case now made of real walnut wood”. Jobs also details the different prices of certain peripherals, such as the Datanetics keyboard (90 dollars at the time).

Sotheby’s estimates that the value of this batch of documents should be between 20,000 and 30,000 dollars, but for the moment the bid is capped at 16,000 dollars (which is not so bad in absolute terms for paper, even with historical value).

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