Song in your head? Google will help you discover his name
Lalalalalala: If you can’t get past that, it’s hard to figure out the title of a song, but not impossible. But even if you know, for example, that somewhere in the song ‘She left me roses by the stairs’ is sung, then you are already a lot further. But you’re not quite there yet and Google will help you further.
Woke up with an earworm? Do yourself a favor and google it. It often helps to listen to the song all the way through to get rid of it. For example, you can use “Now Playing” on Pixel. This is a very funny feature that you can find in Settings -> Sound and Vibrate. This lets your Pixel create a kind of diary of music you’ve heard throughout your day.
Whether you’re at work where Skyradio is on by default, or whether you’re in a store where Norah Jones is on repeat: Pixel catches what’s being played and so you have a whole list of songs that you can listen to throughout the day, week. heard in your neighborhood for a month: even if it’s just a part of the song. If you look at your Pixel when you are in the store, you can even see what is playing on your lock screen: useful if you have no patience (or really want to get rid of that earwig).
Google (Assistant)
If you don’t have the song nearby and you really don’t know the lyrics, there is of course always humming and whistling. Not in a vacuum, but with Google Assistant on. If you really only know two tones, it will be difficult, but in general Google Assistant is often right. You have to say to Google: ‘Hey Google, what’s this song?’ or “OK, Google, what song is this?”. By the way, you can also use the regular Google search bar and tap the microphone next to it and then the ‘Search song’ button at the bottom to hum or whistle your song and discover which song it is.
Nowadays, Spotify also has the function to find a song based on part of the text, although you can also go a long way with Google’s search bar.
Those solutions from Google, they contain music. Have you recently discovered a good song thanks to these features? Leave it in the comments, maybe save us another search via Google.