
“Since then he looks at me very suspiciously”

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You will have it: one of those wrong comments that pops out before you know it or a little dragon that blows around your words completely misunderstood.

Ilse (40), mother of Minne (7).

“We were driving back home from swimming lessons when Minne saw a rainbow flag hanging somewhere and asked me what it actually meant. I immediately got off the ground and explained to her that the flag stands for the acceptance and equal rights of all sexual minorities.


I was on a roll and thought it was important to seize this opportunity to teach Minne concepts such as open-mindedness and freedom. I said it’s totally fine that her classmate has two mommies and that men can also be in love with each other and kiss. ‘Ew! I think that’s dirty!’ exclaimed Minne.

I became furious. How did she get it into her head to spout such nonsense? For a moment I questioned my parenting style, because what kind of weird, homophobic child had I brought into the world? In any case, I went pretty wild with my daughter, my thunderous sermon that she should respect everyone never stopped, until she said in an embarrassed voice: ‘I just think all wet kisses are gross, mom.’ Oh yes, of course you could.”

Read also – Sex education: ‘She looked at me with a dirty and shocked face’ >

Indirect bully

Tessa (39), mother of Ferre (8).

“Recently, Ferre asked why some children cannot live with their parents. I then tried to explain the concept of adoption to him.

I took his boyfriend Mason, who was adopted from South Africa, as an example. His parents are very open about it themselves, so I thought it would be a good educational moment. A story followed that there are people in the world who are less fortunate than us and that it can happen that parents can no longer take care of their children. And that there are other loving people they like to have as a child and therefore live with new parents.

So far so gooduntil Ferre came home and said, “Mom, I told Mason you say his parents can’t take care of him anymore!” Holy shit, there you are with your good behavior. I felt like some sort of indirect bully to Ferre’s boyfriend. Since then he always looks at me very suspiciously.

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