
“She had destroyed my daughter’s new girlfriend book”

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One of Sofia’s (6) classmates decided to take sweet revenge, after which Sofia’s mother Sara raced to school with a tarpaulin to tell a story about the little bully.

Sara (42), mother of Sofia (6):

“Sofia was overjoyed with her new friend book. She carefully packed it into her schoolbag and saw to it that everyone kept it tidy. But one day I received a message from the teacher: ‘Something happened to Sofia’s friend book. It’s over, but then you know about it.’

Friends booklet

When I picked Sofia up that afternoon, I was shocked: the booklet was scratched on the front and back with black marker and when I opened it I saw that not only Sofia’s photo was scratched, but also the photos and texts of her best friends goods. Tears welled up in my eyes, Sofia started to cry too. I don’t care much about stuff and I teach Sofia that too, but this book had a lot of emotional value.

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Where I never go to the teacher or other parent to get a story, I was now the first in the schoolyard the next day. Finished talking?! Was this child all right? And where were the parents?

The teacher stammered that it had been resolved after all, I explained in a tone I don’t know myself that this child had deliberately broken something that made my daughter so happy and that the fact that she had scratched Sofia’s best friends after all at least mean something. The teacher agreed with me and yes, after a conversation with the child it turned out that she had wanted to punish Sofia for not playing with her. Really, I’m known as the dove of peace, but I could have hurt her then.

“Really, I am known as the dove of peace, but I could have done something to her then”

I asked the girl’s mother what she thought she would do about this. Nothing, it turned out, because: those things happen. When I told my husband that evening, including my anger, he looked at me like I was a stranger. ‘Er… we’re still talking about a friend book?’”

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