‘She always dominated our conversations’
It is better to lose some friends than to be rich, especially when there is little room left for yourself.
Jaithly (33): “We were friends since high school. There were five of us, but Mimi was the one who always dominated the conversations. She was sociable and generous, but she didn’t have room for the other four in our group of friends; she always managed to turn the conversation around to herself. We made it all happen. Listened when she had problems and patched her up after her divorce.
Also read – Friends through pregnancy: ‘She turned out to be going through exactly the same thing as me’ >
A place for everyone
Until my daughter was born three years ago with a hereditary condition and my life changed in an instant. Mimi visited me in the hospital, but there too it was about her within a minute. She also did not thank me for not being able to just go to the pub anymore. I missed all the support and understanding.
When my daughter was a year old, I ended the friendship. It’s better to lose some friends than to be rich. Only with her out of my life did I feel how she sucked me dry. My other three friends still see her sometimes, but the four of us have formed a new dynamic, with room for everyone and our children.”
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