Screenhits TV combines your streaming services on one site
If you search, you will find – across platforms with screen hits TV. (Photo: Shutterstock / Proxima Studio)
No more annoying searching around: The Screenhits TV service links your various streaming subscriptions and simplifies the search for films and series. CEO Rose Adkins Hulse’s website has also been available in Germany since mid-July.
The new website Screen hits TV by entrepreneur Rose Adkins Hulse combines your streaming subscriptions on one interface, so that you don’t have to search through all the providers individually to find a film or series. So far, Screenhits TV supports Disney Plus, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Starzplay and Joyn. Apple TV Plus, Sky Ticket and all the others are still a long time coming.
Screenhits TV only works with valid subscriptions from the various providers and costs 99 cents per month. After the individual logins are linked to the page, cross-platform searches can be carried out. Screenhits TV also makes its own recommendations and has a wish list. The watch lists from Netflix, Amazon or Disney Plus, however, are not displayed on the page. The service also has a continue viewing area, but this only works if the relevant content has been started on Screenhits TV.
It works as follows: After searching and selecting a film or series, the content can be started on Screenhits TV. You are then redirected to the website of the original provider, so you leave the Screenhits TV interface again. By the way, a free alternative to screen hits TV is the streaming search engine Justwatch, which also supports more providers, but does not offer a further viewing area.
User interface errors have yet to be eliminated
Screenhits TV has been available as a browser version since mid-July. Unfortunately, there are still some problems with the user interface. The translation from English is partially incorrect and not all menu items are translated. Prime Video also always starts in English and some of the suggested content is not part of Prime Video and would therefore have to be paid for separately. Some searches delivered loudly Golem no hits, although the content was even available from three providers. A Screenhits TV app, which is due to appear in mid-August, is being developed for Android and iOS, for Fire TV devices, for Android TV and for LG’s Smart TVs.