Sat.1 posts popular doctor’s documentary

Sat.1 and the emergency doctor Dr. Carola Holzner aka Doc Caro go their separate ways after only one year. Although the series Doc Caro – Einsatz mit Herz provided good ratings for the broadcaster, there should be no more new episodes of the docuseries. Sat.1 only gives an indirect explanation of the reasons.
Sat.1: Doc Caro – use with heart is discontinued
After the first season there will be no second: Sat.1 has confirmed that the documentary format with the emergency doctor dr Carola Holzner has no future at the station. For fans of the series with Doc Caro, the end should come as a surprise, especially since quite a few viewers switched on the station on Thursday evening. The farewell should not be due to bad ratings.
Sat.1 has not explained why there will be no second season. Somewhat nebulously, one only states that there are “good reasons” for the end, but these are “not for public”. According to unconfirmed reports, not only the series, but also the collaboration with Dr. Holzner will be hired in total (source:
In November 2022 it was announced that Dr. Holzner threatened by strangers would. The hate messages have also been taken up in the series itself. The emergency doctor should now concentrate on her work in a hospital in Duisburg and her own video blog. Neither the broadcaster nor the doctor commented on whether the balancing act between important medical work and a commitment to Sat.1 was perhaps too much in the end.
In the video: The big streaming comparison.
Sat.1: Medical format discontinued after one year
Sat.1 had big plans for Doc Caro. Announcing the exclusive collaboration with Dr. Holzner said that the transmitter Offer “plain text with heart”. and wanted to “show the people behind the doctor”.