
Repairing Apple laptops yourself is now possible

Apple did not always make it easy to repair Apple laptops. Fortunately, that is now changing and MacBook and MacBook Pro notebooks are becoming repairable by consumers.

Until recently, repairing Apple laptops yourself was only for very handy computer users

A decisive argument for going for a PC instead of an Apple device is that it is much easier to repair a PC yourself. Most PCs come with standard parts that are also interchangeable. This way you can easily combine a hard drive from Seagate, motherboard from AMD and a video card from nVIDIA with a mouse from Logitech and a solid state drive from Samsung.

In contrast, it is completely closed to Apple’s platform. You can only choose from the very limited, and often expensive, Apple range. Repairing Apple laptops yourself was also not an option.


For years this led to quite a bit of frustration among enthusiasts of the brand. The Hackintosh, an Apple computer assembled by handy computer enthusiasts with separate parts, became a household name among seasoned hackers. This led to legal raids from the California computer giant. No wonder, because repairing computers was a profitable business model for Apple’s consumer segment.

Apple took advantage of this monopoly by making hardware upgrades very expensive. A PC manufacturer doesn’t have to try that, because a handy computer user can quite easily pop in a new memory bank or hard disk.

Repair Apple laptops yourself with the Self Repair Kit

Now, thankfully, Apple is increasingly coming back to this policy. Though it is still difficult. It is now possible to rent a “self repair kit” for $49. Dollars, because for now it is only possible in America. The intention is that Europe will also be next this autumn. This “self repair kit” contains professional Apple repair equipment that you can rent for a maximum of one week. Can’t figure it out yourself? Then you can go to one of the more than 100,000 technicians around the world who are capable of repairing Apples.

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