Rebecca Boektje receives a lot of support after lament evening four days
Image: Mark Groeneveld
The evening four days is a walking party in which many children and their parents participate. Digital creator Rebbeca Boektje is not too happy about it. And she’s not alone. ‘I I’ve had 300 mothers in my DM who all hate the evening four days ‘, she shares in her stories on Instagram.
‘Nothing against the evening four days in itself’, she writes, ‘but I have to stop working every day at about 3 p.m., cook, pick up the kids, feed the kids, pack things together, cycle to the meeting point, 5 kilometers walk, then cycle back home after 8 p.m. and then get the kids (all candy hypa hypa) to bed. Isn’t it just impossible to do four days in a row?’
‘Weird tradition actually’
Rebecca gets a lot of support from other mothers. ‘It’s horrible. Can’t do it’, is one of the reactions. Another parent responds with: ‘ So I deliberately didn’t let my daughter walk along in recent years, but now she’s 9 and unfortunately I don’t have much more to say. Now it’s “I hate you mom if I’m not allowed again!”
Another responds with ‘Ooooh, I have to go for the first time in two weeks and I was already gloomy. And now I’m completely broke before I even started.’
Read also: ‘The evening four days. My heart sinks into my hiking boots, which of course I don’t have’
Another person writes: ‘Weird tradition really. Kind of fuck your mother in four days.’
Also enjoy a little
Rebecca would like to say one last thing about the Four Days Marches: ‘Of course it’s great fun, cozy and I also enjoy those happy kids who just run and scream and have fun. But I wouldn’t mind if it turned out to be a three-day evening.’
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