readers mainly use Dutch weather apps
Buienradar, Weather & Radar and Buienalarm are the most popular apps among Androidworld readers. 11 percent use Buienalarm, 14 percent go for Weather & Radar and no less than 17 percent opt for Buienradar. This is followed by Google Weather with 8 percent of the respondents.
Weather apps
As much as we Dutch love to talk about the weather, we see it all over again when it comes to weather apps. Lots of responses to the poll this week! And so we use a lot of Dutch or Dutch weather apps. Foreca Weather, Geometric Weather, Klara Weather, Overdrop, Weather Now, Weather,, Weather Radar & Widget, 1Weather, Weather Live are all used by only 1 percent of users (or even less than that).
We also see that a globally large app such as AccuWeather is not very popular: only 6 percent of the readers opt for this. Yet that is more than the app of the official weather forecaster of the Netherlands, the KNMI, which only 4 percent opt for. Then there are Today Weather (3 percent), Weerplaza (5 percent), Weer & Widget (4 percent) and Het Weer in Nederland (3 percent).

AW Poll
The phone’s standard weather app is also represented among the readers at 7 percent, but what is especially striking is that 12 percent use a completely different weather app. Nathalia loves WeaWow and Morecast. “At Weawow you can choose from the following weather providers: MET Norway (, Dark Sky, Foreca. MET Norway has my preference for this.”
mb belongs to the majority, namely the people with Buienalarm and Buienradar. He clearly doesn’t want a wet suit: “I have a storm alarm and rainfall radar on my phone. I ride a bike a lot, I can’t live without it.” parrot01 on the other hand missed an option in the poll, because it doesn’t have one. “Something is never right.” There may also be a completely different reason to opt for a weather app, it turns out. marnixkappeyne: “Shower radar for specific rain forecasts, but Google Weather for the rest. (Big fan of the frog 🙂 )”
Yeah, until one starts to croak and they all go like you tries to sleep on a warm spring evening. Until next week!