Popular porn portal still available: blocking has no effect
The network blocking that was carried out has practically no consequences: for the time being, there are no difficult times ahead for the popular and frequently criticized porn portal xHamster. A blocking order that has already been carried out is basically without consequences, since the operator reacted immediately.
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Network ban for xHamster in Germany decided
As a “last resort”, the media authorities in Germany have one Blocking of the Russian porn portal xHamster decided. According to the Commission for the Protection of Young Persons in the Media (KJM), the offer in this country violates the protection of young people. The largest German Internet providers have already been asked to no longer make the address de.xhamster.com accessible. However, the providers can legally defend themselves against the claim.
According to the KJM, the decision was made unanimously. The free offer of the porn portal is illegal in Germany, since no measures to Protection of visitors under the age of 18 exist, it is said (source: KJM). The Landesanstalt für Medien NRW had previously asked the operators of xHamster to check the age of the visitors. The portal would pose a significant risk to the mental development of children.
The operators of the portal, on the other hand, state that network blocks are “far from an optimal solution”. Persons under the age of 18 would now switch to other offerswho, according to xHamster, flaunt more extreme content. Age verification would only make sense if it were introduced across the industry. However, one would like to cooperate with the German authorities.
Current tech news at a glance:
xHamster: Criticism for “Revenge Porn”
The Russian porn portal is not only criticized for a lack of youth protection. Videos have repeatedly appeared on the platform in the past, apparently without the consent of everyone involved released as “revenge porn”. became.