Poor internet connection only reduces the basic fee minimally
Anyone who has a DSL connection can, according to the new version of the Telecommunications Act (TKG), reduce the payment to the provider if the promised speed is not achieved. However, a first case in which this was proven and accepted with the prescribed means shows how little is gained from it in the end. In the case with 1&1.
1&1: A few euros discount for a fraction of the DSL speed
If you don’t get the full speed of your DSL connection and can prove it, you have to pay less. What sounds like a great success for end customers has turned out to be a minor failure. One person affected has proven that he only gets 4.5 Mbit/s from 1&1 instead of 16 Mbit/s (source: Twitter). Sounds like a massive restriction, where you might think that you can easily reduce the monthly price of 34.99 euros for the DSL package by over 70 percent. It’s not that easy then. It will be a Offered a discount of just 6 euros per month.
The colleagues from golem asked at 1&1. The company confirmed the procedure there. Accordingly, many aspects of the tariff must be taken into account when calculating the reduction. It is namely not just an internet connection, but also a connection with a telephone flat rate, e-mail addresses, five SIM cards, cloud storage and IPTV. The price of 34.99 euros per month is made up of all points accordingly. So the pure internet is only a small part, so you can’t count on a lot of discount there, even if the connection is so bad and you can prove it.
How to optimize your WiFi:
Proof of the actual DSL speed cumbersome
In order to be able to prove a bad DSL connection, it is not enough just to carry out a speed test on the smartphone in the WLAN. You have to do this on the PC via network cable on different days to get a reliable result. Only that is then accepted, whereby one can now also see that the expected discount turns out to be rather small, even if the Internet only achieves about a third of the performance.
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