
Pokemon legends Arceus: Elite Pokemon locations with a map

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you can catch Elite Pokémon as a special feature. As the name suggests, these are particularly strong Pokémon that differ from their normal counterparts. Everything you need to know about the Elite Monsters is below.

Characteristics of Elite Pokémon

Elite Pokémon differ from their normal counterparts in the following ways:

  • Elite Pokémon always have the maximum size, which is possible for their kind.
  • You can recognize them from afar by theirs red glowing eyes.
  • When targeted, Elite Pokémon are marked with a separate icon.
  • In the Pokémon Legends: Arceus Pokédex, Elite Pokémon have their own category. You can switch to the view using the plus button.
  • they wear other items to themselves than their normal conspecifics. Often they are XP candies or Master Seeds.
  • Elite Pokémon generally have better stats. At least three status values ​​are guaranteed to have performance level 3. This can be increased with performance items such as performance sand in order to improve the status values.
  • Elite Pokémon can master attacks that you otherwise only with money at attack master Belila to buy can.
  • Elite Pokémon can also be used as Shinys Pop up.
A Shiny Elite Pokémon is the ultimate achievement of a Pokémon Trainer (Pokémon Legends: Arceus).
A Shiny Elite Pokémon is the ultimate achievement of a Pokémon Trainer (Pokémon Legends: Arceus).

Catching & Evolving Elite Pokémon

Of course, you can catch Elite Pokémon and that should be your goal as well since they are so strong. However, it is of course also more difficult to catch them than normal Pokémon. If you throw them off with a Poké Ball, they’ll pop right back out with ease. In general, you should therefore save your game before attempting a catch so that you don’t waste too many Poké Balls.

The further the Elite Pokémon’s level exceeds your own level, the more difficult it becomes to capture. Your star rank also plays a role. For example, if you catch an elite Pokémon early in the game, it will not obey you in battle because your star rank is still too low.

The chances of a successful capture attempt increase under the same conditions as with normal Pokémon. In other words, lower their KP to the red area and give them a status change before you throw a Pokéball at them. You can acquire better Poké Balls (e.g. Hyper Balls) with a higher star rank.

A red life bar plus status change are the best prerequisites for a successful catch (Pokémon legends: Arceus).
A red life bar plus status change are the best prerequisites for a successful catch (Pokémon legends: Arceus).

In addition, Elite Pokémon can evolve just like normal Pokémon. For example, you can have an Elite Scyther evolve into an Elite Axantor by giving it the appropriate item.

Locations of Elite Pokémon

Aside from Legendary Pokémon, all other monsters can also spawn as Elite Pokémon. There are fixed locations for some elite Pokémon in the five areas of the game. In addition, there is also a general 2% chance that a Pokémon will spawn as an Elite Pokémon. So you should always keep your eyes open.

The fixed locations of Elite Pokémon We have also marked you in the individual areas on the following map sections.

Elite Pokémon in Obsidian Grasslands

Elite Pokémon in Obsidian Grasslands
Elite Pokémon in Obsidian Grasslands
  1. Elite Luxio
  2. Elite Gallopa
  3. Elite Scarab
  4. Elite buoy
  5. Elite georok
  6. Elite Heiteira
  7. Elite Damphireplex
  8. Elite Parasec
  9. Elite Magikarp
  10. Elite Golbat
  11. Elite Scyther
  12. Elite Bidifas
  13. Elite chirp
  14. Elite Staravia
  15. Elite relaxo
  16. Elite Gyarados
  17. Elite Simsala
  18. Elite Panferno
  19. Elite floppy

Elite Pokémon in the Red Swamp

Elite Pokémon in the Red Swamp
Elite Pokémon in the Red Swamp
  1. Elite slurp
  2. Elite Roselade
  3. Elite Raichu
  4. Elite Rihorn
  5. Elite Onix
  6. Elite Catfish
  7. Elite Venuflibis
  8. Elite Honest
  9. Elite Skuntank
  10. Elite Tango Loss
  11. Elite Ursaring
  12. Elite Pachirisu
  13. Elite Toxicroak
  14. Elite Torterra
  15. Elite Hippoterus
  16. Elite Viscargot
  17. Elite Ursaring
  18. Elite Yanmega

Elite Pokémon in the Cobalt Seashore

Elite Pokémon in the Cobalt Seashore
Elite Pokémon in the Cobalt Seashore
  1. Elite Motepel
  2. Elite Empoleon
  3. Elite Baldorfish
  4. Elite Gastrodon
  5. Elite Vulnona
  6. Elite Tentoxa
  7. Elite Lumineon
  8. Elite Shnurgarst
  9. Elite Octillery
  10. Elite Mashok
  11. Elite Piondragi
  12. Elite Walraisa
  13. Elite Ambidiffel
  14. Elite Entoron
  15. Elite Dusk
  16. Elite Khanira
  17. Elite Gyarados
  18. Elite Mantax

Elite Pokémon in Crater Mountain Highlands

Elite Pokémon in Crater Mountain Highlands
Elite Pokémon in Crater Mountain Highlands
  1. Elite Electrovoltek
  2. Elite Luxtra
  3. Elite Volumes
  4. Elite Rigirnior
  5. Elite Dreammagil
  6. Elite Geowaz
  7. Elite Pixi
  8. Elite Victogon
  9. Elite Motepel
  10. Elite Venuflibis
  11. Elite Bronzeg
  12. Elite Steelix
  13. Elite Skorgro
  14. Elite Gnarls
  15. Elite Skorgla

Elite Pokémon in White Frostland

Elite Pokémon in White Frostland
Elite Pokémon in White Frostland
  1. Elite Gala Gladi
  2. Elite Palimpalim
  3. elite machocracy
  4. Elite Sniebel
  5. Elite mamutels
  6. Elite Gardevoir
  7. Elite Rexblisar
  8. Elite firnontor
  9. Elite Squeak
  10. Elite Keefel
  11. Elite Electr
  12. Elite Lucario
  13. Elite Frosdedje
  14. Elite Garchomp

Fantasy Word or Legendary Pokemon?

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