Pfleger acted as a Bitcoin millionaire during the lunch break
Crypto trading. (Photo: Chinnapong / Shutterstock)
For a few years, a US nurse traded so successfully in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin during his work breaks that he became a millionaire – and quit his job.
The explosion in crypto prices in recent years is likely to have turned many people into millionaires. In the spring, a high-ranking London investment banker quit his job because he had become a millionaire several times through trading Dogecoin. An American nurse who got rich trading various cryptocurrencies in recent years has a similar success story. The 31-year-old had acted around his lunch break.
Josh Dorgan, who is from Omaha, Nebraska, was a pediatric nurse and head of department at a hospital when he started trading cryptocurrencies in 2017. It should have been clear to him relatively quickly that he could earn more money with it than when he worked as a nurse, as he told Bloomberg Businessweek. He earned as much in a five-minute break as he normally would in a full day in the hospital.
When Dorgan got into crypto trading, the Bitcoin rate was still hovering around $ 2,000. The all-time high is now just under $ 67,000. Younger cryptocurrencies have in some cases posted significantly steeper price increases. Dorgan should also have made good money with Hodln, the holding of cheaply acquired digital currencies. However, the ex-nurse is now said to have a seven-figure income.
In August 2020, Dorgan had finally quit his job, like Business Insider reports. Accordingly, he had previously consulted a financial expert to ensure that he really earned enough to retire. No wonder Dorgan is “very happy” with his decision. The successful trader not only invests in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum, but also in traditional markets.
Trading on the stock exchange or with crypto currencies is not a savior for everyone: n. The volatile crypto market has already destroyed a lot of capital with its slumps. If you want to invest, you should get detailed information beforehand and, ideally, only put the money into the market that he or she can get over.