OnlyFans: ass, ass, but not for long?
The advent of the Internet in homes and even more on our mobile phones has opened up opportunities for aspiring artists and creators to seek the support of their admirers. We quickly saw the arrival of sites allowing to ask for money to finance projects, such as Ulule. For example, a musician could ask his fans to cover his recording and production costs for his new CD in exchange for compensation. Enough to allow artists to continue to create without spending a penny from their already not very full pockets. At a time when making a living from your music is almost impossible if you do not go on the radio or fill stadiums, this mode of operation is a very significant boon.
The principle has become democratized and alternatives have sprouted. With Tipeee for example you can give money every month to your favorite YouTuber or support a site to keep its editorial line. This allows, for example, some outside the system to offer articles without any advertising being present while paying decently the creators of its content. This is the case of Mr Japanization for example who lives thanks to the donations of his readers.
As there is always room for new offers appeared the site OnlyFans.

OnlyFans: hide that breast I couldn’t see
Initially, the principle of OnlyFans is very simple. You support the creators by paying a monthly subscription that gives you access to videos, exclusive articles that only subscribers can enjoy. Launched in 2016, the site now has more than 2 million creators and more than 130 million users. Colossal figures which made it possible to generate a turnover of 2 billion dollars in 2020. The English company recovers 20% of the income, which still represents the tidy sum of 400 million in profit.
If this all sounds like a fairy tale to company executives, OnlyFans is yet followed by a not very shining reputation since it is the refuge of very very many accounts which share pornographic photos and videos. All the actresses of the world of adult entertainment are present on the site and are almost its gondola, counting hundreds of thousands of subscribers ready to pay 10 € / month to rinse their eyes on exclusives. And if it’s good for the bank account, it’s not quite to the taste of the creators of OnlyFans who did not expect this drift and want to restore their image to move up a gear.
Read also: Naked Yoga: Authorized nudity is a hit on YouTube
Not porn to be alive
The company started its rehabilitation business in early January by launching the application OFTV available on Android and IOS. But to have the right to appear on the stores Google and Apple, you have to be in the nails and therefore not offer anything of a sexual nature. The available content is therefore watered down and stripped of any idea of nudity. Result: 800 videos fighting with each other. A first step, however, towards a cleaner image which can be explained above all by the company’s desire to attract investors to OnlyFans with, eventually, the goal of increasing the value of the company for more than a billion dollars.
Except that those who could invest do not do so precisely because of this persistent reputation of “paid porn site”. OnlyFans therefore decided to harden its acceptable content policy from 1er October 2021. All sexually explicit content will now be prohibited. A decision taken to ensure the sustainability of the site and especially under the pressure of financial partners already present to support society and who no longer want to be associated with the world of pornography. We should therefore very quickly see an exodus of the stars of this lucrative business who should have no trouble finding alternative solutions to monetize their content. As for OnlyFans, to see how they will get by without this pool of easy dollars that will suddenly fly away.