Official Sony Post gives us food for thought
In an official blog post, Sony proudly presents the games that will be released for PS4 and PS5 later this year. However, an important game shines with absence – and that is exactly what makes us think.

Languages:German English
Platforms:PlayStation 5
Horizon Forbidden West: will the PlayStation game no longer appear in 2021?
As early as the end of July there were first reports that Horizon Forbidden West would no longer appear in 2021 (source: Bloomberg). An official statement on the matter from Sony was not made. Interestingly enough, however, there was an entry before that that supports this thesis – and this comes from Sony itself!
There is an article on the official PlayStation blog with the title “PS5 and PS5: These games are coming in 2021”. In this 9 game highlights are presented, which should find their way to the Sony consoles this year – including Deathloop, the next-gen version of GTA 5 or Ghostrunner (source: PlayStation.Blog).
However, one important game is missing from the article: Horizon Forbidden West. Officially, the action role-playing game should appear in the second half of the year for PS4 and PS5, but it is nowhere to be found in the article. Now one can argue that not a word has been said about many other games for PS4 & PS5 that will also be released this year – nevertheless the lack of Horizon Forbidden West is another indication that Sony is about to release the game Year has moved.
Horizon Forbidden West actually postponed? Players worry
This detail has also not escaped some players. Accordingly, you speak up in the comments and ask directly whether that means that Horizon Forbidden West will really no longer appear in 2021. But Sony also keeps its feet still in the comment section of the article and gives no answer. If anything changes, you will find out first on GIGA!