
‘No one in the class was dressed up, except my daughter’

Missed a memo somewhere and there you are: in the schoolyard, with your child who is the only one ready for the ‘pajama day’. Sometimes it’s best to laugh at those parent blunders.

Kimberly (27), mother of Chris (3):

“It was carnival at the daycare center and the children were allowed to dress up. I read it, but didn’t save it. The result: a very disappointed son. In the end, the teacher allowed me to take a look in the rag box and with my own lipstick and eye pencil I conjured up a very cool clown, if I do say so myself.

Goosebumps day

Nienke (40), mother of Jeroen (12) and Charlotte (10):

“It is usually very warm in the classroom in winter, so I delivered my children in a thin shirt as usual. But our environmentally conscious school has a Warm Sweater Day once in a while; then the thermostat goes down to fifteen degrees. And that was then.

They sat shivering in the school desks that day, because Mama had missed the memo about the warm sweaters. I really don’t remember whether that was a note in the bag or one of the fifteen million emails you get with unclear newsletters in the attachment, but I clearly hadn’t read it.”

Read also – The wonderful blunders of these women will haunt them for a long time >

No sleeping here

Stephanie (32), mother of Nevayo (5) and Dalia (4):

“It was pajama day in Nevayo’s class. Dalia was just in group 1, at the same school, but in a different group. She was not yet in Parro, the system from which all e-mails are sent, but I assumed that all kindergarten classes had one policy. Not so. Dressed in onesie, cuddly toy, pillow and sleeping mask, Dalia entered the classroom beaming, where no one was dressed up at all. Fortunately, the teacher was able to laugh about it and my daughter made it a party that day in her onesie.”

There goes my morning

Anita (45), mother of Ruben (12) and Stijn (9):

“I had a slow morning, didn’t have to go to work and didn’t feel like getting dressed before taking the kids to school. I put on a jacket over my sleeping shirt and sweatpants and got in the car. I wasn’t even wearing underwear.

Arriving at school, Stijn suddenly said enthusiastically: ‘You’re coming to the walk-in morning, aren’t you, mom?’ Totally forgotten. School has walk-in moments a few times a year; half an hour in which parents can experience how things are in the classroom. Children receive a special language or arithmetic lesson or hold a quiz for the parents.

“And ask the teacher if I didn’t want to take off my coat after all”

Of course I could have said no, but I knew how disappointed Stijn would be. So there was nothing for it but to go inside. And ask the teacher if I didn’t want to take off my coat after all.”

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