“‘No, mama, don’t hit,’ he shouted in the schoolyard”
Image: Unsplash
When your child turns out to be a real flapper, you better get used to the shameful redness on your jaws or strategically tape your mouth shut.
Petra (45), mother of three sons aged 11, 8 and 5.
“I don’t want to claim that the Nobel Prize for Good Motherhood goes to me, but I’ve never hit my children. I can get really angry and when Jonathan, my oldest, started to grumble for the thousandth time when I was taken to school – because my youngest is in kindergarten, I still go with me – I really freaked out.
His reaction was bizarre. He raised his arms as if to protect his head and called out in a scared voice, “No, Mama, don’t hit, please…” As if I usually give him a big slap at such moments… I saw the other parents too exactly that thinking. They probably didn’t believe that I said ‘but I never hit at all’.
Also read – Flapuit children: “You’re not sixteen anymore mom,” my son said when I put on a new skirt’ >
Notorious flapper
Hanne (39), mother of a 9-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter.
“Everyone should do what they feel comfortable with, that’s my belief. But I’m not much for tattoos myself. Especially not if they cover an entire back or an entire limb. I try not to express my opinion too much to my children, but apparently I hadn’t quite succeeded in that at the campsite last summer. While we were queuing at the bakery, my daughter pointed to the man and woman in front of us. “Look Mom, all those antisocial stickers.” And yes, they were Dutch.”
long seat
Rianne (29), mother of a 7-year-old daughter.
“’Did you eat fries again?’ my daughter greeted my rather chubby sister-in-law last week. She didn’t understand and shook her head. ‘No, why?’ I was too late to intervene and couldn’t stop my daughter from saying, ‘My mom says fat people eat too many fries. And you’re way too fat.’ The birthday was a long one.”
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