New iPhone 15 button gets (many) more functions – that’s how it works
The iPhone 15 gets completely new buttons. The new iPhone 15 button not only works differently, but also gets more functions.
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The iPhone 15 Pro (Max) will be the first iPhone without physical buttons. Instead, Apple is switching to buttons that vibrate when you press them, also known as Haptic Touch. We already know this technique from the home button of the iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone SE 2020 and iPhone SE 2022.
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Leaked photos of the iPhone 15 Pro showed that the new phone will have one large volume button, instead of the two separate volume buttons on the current iPhones. Also the mutebutton will look different than we are used to: it will no longer be a switch, but will now really be a button. Now it turns out that the button is not only meant to muten, but even becomes multifunctional.
With the iPhone 15 Pro (Max), you will soon be able to choose which function the new button will have. Apple no longer calls the button the mutebutton, but changes its name to the ‘action button’. In the settings of your iPhone, you then decide for yourself which function that button will have.
You can use the button to turn on the flashlight, open the camera, go back to your home screen, take a screenshot or start Shazam. Or you just still use the button to silence your iPhone. With the new iPhone, you are in any case more free to choose the function of the new action button.
‘Tap Back’ feature of iPhone
The new button on the iPhone 15 is similar to the “Tap Back” feature on your iPhone in terms of functions. With that feature, you decide for yourself which action is performed when you tap the back of your phone two or three times. For example, this opens an app if you tap the back of your iPhone two or three times.
Also Read: ‘Tap Back’ feature lets you perform actions with 2 or 3 taps
It is expected that the action button can perform similar actions, but now simply by pressing the button. Handy, because tapping the back of your iPhone two or three times sometimes happens by accident. You don’t just press the action button, especially now that the button works with Haptic Touch.

All iPhone 15 rumors together
Do you want to know more about all iPhone 15 functions? Earlier it became clear that the iPhone 15 will probably no longer receive a physical SIM card and will be the first iPhone with a USB-C port. Are you curious about all the rumors about the iPhone 15? Read all the rumors about the iPhone 15 here and everything we know about the iPhone 15 Ultra here.
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