
Netto is currently selling balcony power plants particularly cheaply

If you want to produce your own electricity, then a balcony power plant is the perfect solution for you. At Netto there are such mini solar systems with 600 watt inverters as a complete set at a bargain price.

Balcony power plants cheaper at Netto

Anyone who has not yet purchased a balcony power plant should think about it now at the latest. Since sales tax on solar systems was abolished in 2023, prices have fallen significantly. In addition, more and more dealers are showing interest in selling them complete sets. Netto has jumped on the bandwagon and has put together interesting offers with the Vale and Veska balcony power plants. For only 499.99 euros you get a set of two solar cells, the micro-inverter, a cable and the necessary caps (look at the net). There are additional shipping costs.

VALE balcony power plant MiniPV 600-DY-N

The price may be higher now. Price from 05/11/2023 01:48

Balcony power plant 830 W / 600 W photovoltaic solar system ready to plug in

Balcony power plant 830 W / 600 W photovoltaic solar system ready to plug in

The price may be higher now. Price as of 05/11/2023 02:03

In the past, Netto has offered various balcony power plants, some of which sold out quickly or had long delivery times. The price of well under 600 euros for the sets is good, especially since you are one 600 watt inverter with WiFi gets, which you can use to read the data directly. The solar cells have a lot of power and are also fit for the future with over 800 watts. A NA protection is installed. So you shouldn’t have any problems logging in.

These are reliable dealers who sell their balcony power plants via net. Two of my neighbors have struck there and are absolutely satisfied. So I can recommend the sets.

What you need to know about balcony power plants:

What you mustn’t forget

If you buy such a set from Netto or other retailers, you really only get the two solar cells, the inverter, cables and caps. You still need a holder and have to register the system so that everything is legal. I summarized how this works in this article.

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